A photo showing the entrance to Paca middle school

William Paca Middle School

The William Paca Middle School staff, students and parents are committed to meeting district goals by supporting educational programs, services and ideas which will offer challenging and stimulating educational experiences in a safe environment for all our students.

Spanning grades 6, 7 and 8, William Paca Middle School serves approximately 1500 students. Within each grade level, students are exposed to a comprehensive and challenging curriculum in all subject areas. It is our building goal that these experiences will foster growth in the academic, physical, emotional, social and aesthetic potential of all our students.

William Paca Middle School
338 Blanco Drive
Mastic Beach NY, 11951
Grades 6 - 8 (8:00am - 2:28pm)

Paca Middle School Principal 
Dr. Michele Gode (631) 874-1414

Paca Middle School Assistant Principals 
Christine Ellers - 6th Grade (631) 874-1474
Kevin Durant - 7th Grade - (631) 874-1472
Jennifer Engmann - 8th Grade (631) 874-1473

Paca Middle School Office Numbers
Main Office - (631) 874-1414
Attendance - (631) 874-1422
Nurse - (631) 874-1418

School Counselors
Caroline Casey  - Grade 6 (631) 874-1481
Jenna Licari - Grade 7 (631) 874-1632
Caroline Reed - Grade 8 (631) 874-1456

Social Workers
Alyssa Cabrera - Grade 6 (631) 874-1458
Katherine Budas - Grade 7  (631) 874-1453
Erika Zambrano - Grade 8 (631) 874-1217
Evelyn Garcia - ENL (631) 874-1460

Gina Mercurio - Grade 6 (631) 874-1459
Nicole Raevis - Grade 7  (631) 874-5527
Lisa Cameron - Grade 8 (631) 874-1879

DASA Coordinators
Jennifer Engmann (631) 874-1472
Evelyn Garcia (631) 874-1460
Alyssa Cabrera (631) 874-1453
Christine Ellers: (631) 874-1473

Call/Text 988: A New Crisis Resource

Paca News

photo of students working with culinary students

William Floyd Middle School and William Paca Middle School eighth-grade students, under the direction of their school counselors, Allison Ravener, and Caroline Reed, respectively, recently visited - in separate trips - the award-winning Career and Technical Education (CTE) program at William Floyd High School for an up-close look at the opportunities that await them in high school!

thumbnail of wall of distinction recipients in a black frame

The William Floyd Fine Arts & Music departments will host their fourth annual Fine Arts Wall of Distinction ceremony on Thursday, February 27, at 6 pm, in the east lobby of the high school near the Nick Poulos Memorial Auditorium. The Fine Arts Wall of Distinction serves as a permanent symbol of appreciation recognizing educators or graduates from the William Floyd School District who have excelled in the areas of art or music! This year's honorees include Stan Davis, Lucille Maier, Laura Mole and Barbara Sapanaro! 

William Paca Middle School students show off their blue SOAR t-shirts

William Paca Middle School was recently featured on “Spotlight on LI Schools,” the Long Island News Radio 103.9 FM program highlighting the great things happening in schools across Long Island. William Paca Middle School spoke about the SOAR (Students on the Academic Rise) program that recognizes students who are currently meeting academic, attendance and behavioral standards!