William Floyd’s Virtual Backpack is a one-stop resource for events and offerings from school/community organizations. This backpack is focused on elementary schools only.
Nathaniel Woodhull Elementary School
Welcome to Nathaniel Woodhull Elementary School, “Where education begins.”
It is our pleasure to greet you as partners in your child’s educational journey. Here at Nathaniel Woodhull, we are fortunate to have highly qualified, professional, and dedicated faculty and staff members who are truly committed to providing our students with the best education in a caring and nurturing environment. The members of the Nathaniel Woodhull Learning Community are dedicated to meeting the individual learning needs of all of our students.
As the William Floyd School District Mission Statement indicates, “We are committed to teach, encourage, and challenge all students to fulfill their intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, and physical potential, and to apply their knowledge and skills to become contributing, responsible citizens of a rapidly changing, diverse, global society.” It is our job to make that vision a reality.
Together we can make great things happen! We look forward to this school year with great anticipation and excitement. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions or are looking for opportunities to assist in your child’s education.
Right to left: Nathaniel Woodhull Elementary School Principal Dr. Heather Murillo and Assistant Principal Erica Peralta.
Nathaniel Woodhull Elementary School
6 Frances Landau Pl.
Shirley NY, 11967
Grades K-5 (8:20am - 2:38pm)
Woodhull Elementary Principal
Heather Murillo (631) 874-1802
Woodhull Elementary Assistant Principals
Erica Peralta (631) 874-1803
Woodhull Elementary Office Numbers
Main Office - (631) 874-1302
Attendance - (631) 874-1633
School Nurse - (631) 874-1303
Woodhull Library - (631) 874-1694
School Counselor
Donna Teller (631) 874-7711
Nicole Hayes (631) 874-1630
Social Worker
Jacquelynn Ciolino (631) 874-1809
Kaitlin O'Keife (631) 874-1940
DASA Coordinators
Heather Murillo 874-1802
Erica Peralta (631) 874-1803
Jacquelynn Ciolino (631) 874-1809
Woodhull News
Please read this important message from Superintendent of Schools Kevin M. Coster about the lockdown malfunction at William Floyd High School that occurred on Friday, January 10.
Thursday, January 9, 2025, been declared a National Day of Mourning for the nation's 39th president, Jimmy Carter, who passed away on December 29, 2024. William Floyd schools will be OPEN on this day.
Woodhull Elementary Resources
Woodhull 2024-25 Supply Lists
Elementary School Virtual Backpack
Woodhull PTO
Bullying and Harassment Policies
Woodhull ESSER
Woodhull Elementary Re-Opening Plan
Woodhull Elementary Title I Information
Woodhull Title I Compact
Woodhull Title I Policy
ESSA Title Parent Meeting
ESSA Parents Right to Know
ESSA Title 2024-2025 Presentation
For questions about ESSA or Title
please email Mary Siano at msiano@wfsd.k12.ny.us
ESSA Fact Sheets
ESSA Accountability Fact Sheets
Federal Stimulus
Stimulus Funds
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
Dignity for All Students Act - 2024-25 School Year
Dignity for All Students Policy
Code of Conduct
DASA Form (English/Spanish)
DASA Coordinators
Heather Murillo (631) 874-1802
Erica Peralta (631) 874-1803
Jacquelynn Ciolino (631) 874-1809