WFHS Science Students Win Six First-Place Awards

Nine William Floyd High School students in Dr. Luisa McHugh and Mrs. Amanda Huff’s science classes recently won PSEG Long Island’s Video PSA contest to promote environmental awareness. The students created and edited short and impactful public service announcements focused on the effects of pollution and the importance of environmental conservation. In this island-wide contest, which had nearly 5,000 students from Suffolk and Nassau counties participating and more than 200 video entries, William Floyd students took home six of the 10 first-place awards in the high school category.

“Students are always hearing about the negative impacts humans have on the earth,” said Dr. McHugh, science chairperson, William Floyd School District. “The science department at William Floyd actively engages students in community-based projects to develop ‘Ecoliteracy,’ the concept of integrating emotional, social and ecological intelligence, in order to build resiliency, strength and hope in our students.” 

Mrs. Huff added, “The I Am Empowered PSEG PSA allowed students to dive deeper into the environmental issues that are embedded in their community. It allowed them to research community groups and made them aware of how they can contribute to helping their community to make it a better place to live. The final step of the project allowed students to create a PSA to spread awareness on ways to keep their community beautiful, which I think is the key to creating a better Long Island for everyone.”

For their efforts, each student received a $75 gift card and both Dr. McHugh and Mrs. Huff received $100 for their classrooms. Their videos were also featured on the PSEG Long Island YouTube channel.

William Floyd’s winners include:
Nyasia Bass from Mrs. Huff’s class for “Impact of Pollution
Lily Crawford from Dr. McHugh’s class for “Solution Not Pollution
Nissi Flores Perez from Dr. McHugh’s class for “Environmental Conservation
Joseph Abbaticchio from Mrs. Huff’s class for “You Don’t Have to Change Much to Change Everything
Cristy Alvarado Vazquez from Mrs. Huff’s class for “Ocean Pollution
Janessa Basile, Tianna Johnson, Krista Malone and Henry Schoneboom from Mrs. Huff’s class for “Save Water

“The students really set the bar at a high level with their videos this year. Their creativity and editing skills showed through in their projects,” said Suzanne Brienza, PSEG Long Island’s director of customer experience and utility marketing. “Congratulations to all of the winners and kudos to all of the nearly 5,000 students who participated. You’re all winners because your great work is helping the world.”

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