Parent Portal First Use

Welcome to the William Floyd School District Infinite Campus Parent Portal!

Here you will find instant access to accurate, current and confidential information about your child’s school attendance, grades, class assignments and more!

The Infinite Campus Parent Portal is a parent-specific login to the shared, community-wide Infinite Campus student database. The Parent Portal presents information about students to authorized parents or guardians in real time with secure socket layer (SSL) encryption of the information that is being transmitted.

*Please note that at this time, data is not available for students that attend full time out of district placements since those facilities do not subscribe to Infinite Campus.

Instructions for accessing the Infinite Campus Parent Portal for the first time. Read all steps before entering the portal.
  • Log on to the secure Internet address for the Parent Portal and click HELP or enter the portal through the link below:
  • Enter the Portal Activation Key provided in the letter you received into the appropriate boxes exactly as it is written in the letter.
  • Click on the Submit Button when you are done.
  • You now must create a User Name and Password.
    • a. Type your desired User Name in the area indicated.
    • b. Type your desired Password in the area indicated. (It must be a minimum of 6 characters.)
    • c. Retype your password.
    • d. Click on the Create Account button when you are done. [Note: It is important that you keep your access information private and do not share it with anyone.]
  • You are now ready to log into the system! Click on the link to the Parent Portal..
  • Type in the Username and Password you created in step 3. Click on Log In.
  • You are now in the Parent Portal.
  • In the interest of security, make sure to click on the Log Off link when you are done.

Instructions for obtaining a Parent Portal Activation Key.
Email a request for a parent portal activation key at
Be sure to include your name, your child’s name, your child’s birthday and the school they attend.
After you receive your activation key, follow the steps above.

Frequently Asked Questions