A photo of a student and a teacher holding emotion faces

Student Support Services

Welcome to the Student Support Services website page for the William Floyd School District. Through the use of this website we will share information with our families, students, teachers and members of our community. The WFSD is aware that our families may need services that extend beyond the instructional and building base supports that the school district can offer. We hope this page serves as a helpful resource to what our schools and community can offer.

What is the role of the school based Social Worker?

The William Floyd School District recognizes that the economic, educational, and social challenges that our families face has increased over the years. In response to these needs the WFSD is responding with a limited scope of service provided by our school based social workers. In order for our social workers to meet the needs of our children they will::

  • Function as a link between home, school, and community to promote the educational success of our children.
  • Intervene when there is a social, family, or economic challenge, which impacts the learning process of our students.

In addition, our social workers (often in conjunction with community based supports) will strengthen the students’ learning opportunities, achievements, and social-emotional functioning to support the student’s educational success by providing the following services:

  • Assisting families with identifying community services and resources.
  • Providing school based services to students who have problems adjusting to the instructional school day and its demands.
  • Facilitating individual and group support sessions.
  • Consulting with teachers, administrators, and families regarding classroom and school based behaviors that are affecting our student’s performance.
  • Acting as mandated reporters of suspected child abuse and neglect.
  • Responding to suicidal statements made by students.


What is a School Psychologist?

The William Floyd School District (WFSD) is aware that in order for some of our children to succeed they will need academic, social, behavioral, and emotional support. The WFSD is aware that there are times that individual interventions are necessary. Our district wide School Psychologists take this responsibility and collaborate with educators, parents, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community for all students. Our School Psychologists are committed to:

  • Providing counseling and mentoring for students who are struggling with social, emotional, and behavioral problems.
  • Creating instructional plans that increase student achievement by overcoming barriers to learning and determining the best instructional strategies to improve learning.
  • Promoting wellness and resilience by reinforcing communication and social skills, problem solving, anger management, self-regulation and self-determination skills.
  • Enhancing the student’s understanding and acceptance of diverse cultures and backgrounds as well as an understanding of self.

The WFSD utilizes its School Psychologist to ensure that we are accurately meeting the needs of our children by:

  •  Identifying and addressing learning and behavior deficits that interfere with the student’s academic success.
  •  Evaluate eligibility for special education services in conjunction with the buildings Instructional Support Team.
  • Evaluating and supporting a students’ social, emotional, and behavioral health as it relates to academic success.
A photo of Al Peterson

Director of Student Information and Secondary Education 
Al Peterson (631) 874-1116

Transitional Housing Social Worker
Emilie Larson 631-874-1889

If you prefer to communicate or receive notices in your native language please email translationservices@wfsd.k12.ny.us 

Student Support Services Resources
McKinney-Vento Assistance Act

District News

group photo of Floyd Academy graduates w/ principal standing in front of WF step and repeat banners

The Floyd Academy recently hosted its annual mid-year graduation ceremony to celebrate the 15 students who officially completed their high school graduation requirements and became the first members of the Class of 2025! The ceremony featured many of the graduates, their families, friends, faculty, staff, administrators, members of the Board of Education, mentorship partners from Stony Brook University and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Long Island.

photo of 10 wrestlers who placed in the League I championship

The William Floyd varsity boys’ wrestling team, coached by Tony Mecca, had a strong showing at the League I championships last weekend! The Colonials finished in second place as a team, with a grand total of 10 wrestlers finishing within the top four and earning All-League status! This included two league champions, four second place finishes, two third place finishes and two fourth place finishes. They will compete at Stony Brook University this weekend! Wrestler Jack Meyer also recently notched his 100th career win!