security cameras with a blue sky in the background

School Safety

At the William Floyd School District, the safety of our students, staff, visitors and facilities is given the highest priority. We have a large professional and highly trained security staff on duty 24-7. We have the latest in electronic surveillance and warning systems. Every building in the district has emergency management plans that are reviewed periodically and modified whenever new emergency techniques become available. Emergency drills and exercises are also conducted several times a year in all our buildings.

(Click here to view the 2023-2024 School Safety Plan)

Michale Stam Photo

Director of Human Resources 
Michael Stam (631) 874-1527

Security Secretary 
Kimberly Stahl (631) 874-1265

Security Office 
(631) 874-1277

Please remember in an emergency contact 911 first, then call the William Floyd security department at (631) 874-1277

Confidential Hotline
The district has a confidential hotline set up for anonymous tips at (631) 874-1200

Safety Plan
School Safety Plan - 2024-25 School Year

Workplace Violence
Workplace Violence Prevention Program Policy 6190R
Workplace Violence Incident Report Form

District News

group photo of Floyd Academy graduates w/ principal standing in front of WF step and repeat banners

The Floyd Academy recently hosted its annual mid-year graduation ceremony to celebrate the 15 students who officially completed their high school graduation requirements and became the first members of the Class of 2025! The ceremony featured many of the graduates, their families, friends, faculty, staff, administrators, members of the Board of Education, mentorship partners from Stony Brook University and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Long Island.

photo of 10 wrestlers who placed in the League I championship

The William Floyd varsity boys’ wrestling team, coached by Tony Mecca, had a strong showing at the League I championships last weekend! The Colonials finished in second place as a team, with a grand total of 10 wrestlers finishing within the top four and earning All-League status! This included two league champions, four second place finishes, two third place finishes and two fourth place finishes. They will compete at Stony Brook University this weekend! Wrestler Jack Meyer also recently notched his 100th career win!