A teacher and student in a classroom

Special Education Department

The Special Education Department is committed to ensuring that special education remains a service to those who need additional supports and never becomes a place where our students feel isolated or excluded from opportunities within our school’s community. The goal of the William Floyd Special Education Department is to promote every student’s academic, physical, social and emotional growth in a safe, nurturing environment, as well as providing students with an opportunity to develop all facets of their character to the fullest potential.

The Office of Special Education supports a full range of services to all children, ages 3 to 21, who display a need for instructional and behavioral modifications and supports in their academic settings. These students have been identified and evaluated in accordance with IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Act; PL.94‐142). The Special Education Department will only offer these supports after general education interventions have proven unsuccessful. When students are displaying acute difficulty in school, despite attempts at remediation through research based early intervention services, school personnel or parents can submit a request for an evaluation to the building principal or directly to the Committee on Special Education (CSE) via our office.

Parents and early childhood educators who are concerned with a preschooler’s development should review the information provided on our website on developmental milestones. After reviewing this information, if a concern is still present, a request for evaluation can be presented to the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) via our office. Upon the receipt of a recommendation from an educator or referral by a parent, the Special Education Office will contact parents to get their consent prior to conducting any evaluations, under guidelines of the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) or the Committee on Special Education (CSE). These evaluations will include any procedures, tests, assessments, or observations given to determine whether the student has an educational disability and is eligible for special education and/or related services. Recommendations from these evaluations may or may not include classification of the child as a student with a disability.

All parents should review the Parents Guide to Special Education, Procedural Safeguards, Informed Consent and other helpful information, which are provided on our website. If additional information on programs or other opportunities that are available to our students is needed please contact your child’s home school or the Special Education Office at (631) 874‐1133 for assistance.

A photo of the Special Education Administrators

Special Education Department 
Office of Special Education 

(631) 874-1133
Office Fax Number 
(631) 874 1550

Director of Special Education 
Dr. Malasia Walker (631) 874-1133

Asst. Director of Special Education (Elementary) 
Ravi Seeram (631) 874-1133

Asst. Director of Special Education (Secondary) 
Michele Manion (631) 874-1133

Transition Coordinator 
Wendie Der (631) 874-1980

Suggestions, questions or concerns please email the Special Education Department at:  

Call/Text 988: A New Crisis Resource

SEPTO Website


Special Education Events, Workshops & SEPTO Meeting Information

SEPTO Meeting Information 2024-25
WFSD Special Education Transition Workshop: Guardianship Alternatives to Guardianship Special Needs Trusts (Register by February 28 for Virtual Presentation on March 5)

District News

group photo of Floyd Academy graduates w/ principal standing in front of WF step and repeat banners

The Floyd Academy recently hosted its annual mid-year graduation ceremony to celebrate the 15 students who officially completed their high school graduation requirements and became the first members of the Class of 2025! The ceremony featured many of the graduates, their families, friends, faculty, staff, administrators, members of the Board of Education, mentorship partners from Stony Brook University and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Long Island.

photo of 10 wrestlers who placed in the League I championship

The William Floyd varsity boys’ wrestling team, coached by Tony Mecca, had a strong showing at the League I championships last weekend! The Colonials finished in second place as a team, with a grand total of 10 wrestlers finishing within the top four and earning All-League status! This included two league champions, four second place finishes, two third place finishes and two fourth place finishes. They will compete at Stony Brook University this weekend! Wrestler Jack Meyer also recently notched his 100th career win!

photo of students working with culinary students

William Floyd Middle School and William Paca Middle School eighth-grade students, under the direction of their school counselors, Allison Ravener, and Caroline Reed, respectively, recently visited - in separate trips - the award-winning Career and Technical Education (CTE) program at William Floyd High School for an up-close look at the opportunities that await them in high school!